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The First International Conference on Regional Business Management


We have witnessed how Industrial Revolution 4.0 changed our lives, including business, especially amidst this pandemics.  Today we feel that it is urgent to balance economics advancement with resolution of social problems that integrate both cyberspace and physical space. We are now welcoming Society 5.0.  What can we do tho help empower local community to embrace cultural, societal, environmental, and technological changes?

  • Join us and contribute your best paper in the First International Conference on Regional Business Management held by Faculty of Economics Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Peneleh Research Institute, and Aliansi Pengelola Jurnal Berintegritas Indonesia, with the theme:
Enacting Human-Centered Management for Empowering Local Community Towards Society 5.0

The conference is hosted by:

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Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

The Faculty of Economics (FE) was established based on the Decree of the Chancellor of the State University of Gorontalo Number: 282/H47.A2/OT/2009 dated March 17, 2009. In its existence, this faculty is expected to play a role in the sustainable development and guidance of improving the quality of human resources in Indonesia, particularly in Eastern Indonesia, and more specifically in Gorontalo Province.

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Peneleh Research Institute

Peneleh Research Institute (PRI) is a research organization under Yayasan Peneleh Jang Oetama. PRI was established in 2015, and since then has contributed immensely to the empowerment of society. PRI believes that true zelfbestuur can only be achieved if every stakeholder realizes that he/she is a driver for hijrah. (change). Please browse through our website to check out our programs.

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Aliansi Pengelola Jurnal Berintegritas Indonesia

Aliansi Pengelola Jurnal Berintegritas Indonesia (ALJEBI) was initially established as Aliansi Pengelola Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia in 2015. ALJEBI is also officially a sponsoring agent for Crossref, which means that ALJEBI faciiltates journals to obtain a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) ​and to be registered with Crossref. ALJEBI is officially a legal entity and has more than 180 members.   

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Welcome Speech by the Rector of UNG


Dr. Ir. Eduart Wolok, ST., MM.

Dr. Ir. Eduart Wolok, ST., MM. is currently the Rector of Universitas Negeri Gorontalo.  He completed his Bachelor and Master degree in Institut Teknologi Surabaya.  He pursued his Doctoral Degree in Institut Pertanian Bogor in 2015-2017. He has great concern in Eco-Marine-Tourism and has had several academic works published in this field.

Our Speakers


Victoria Dauletova, Ph.D.

Sultan Qaboos University
Victoria Dauletova is an associate professor in Sultan Qaboos University Oman, who takes great interest in Project-Based Learning, Business Communication, Cross-Cultural Communication/ Management, Pubic speaking, Organizational behaviour, and Business English.

Dr. Pallavi Pathak

SMS Varanasi, India
Dr. Pallavi Pathak is an asociate professor in School of Management Sciences, Varanasi India.  She is also international Peneleh Ambassador and her expert fields are Organizational behaviour, Human Resource, Labour legislations, compensation, HRD, General Management and Communication.

Dr. Marten Taha, SE., M.Ec. Dev

The Major of Gorontalo
Dr. Marten Taha is currently the Major of Gorontalo. In 2021, Dr. Marten Taha was awarded as the best regional head at the Pedagogic Awards event, for his support in education and literacy

Prof. Poppy Rufaidah, Ph.D

Universitas Padjadjaran
Prof. Poppy Rufaidah Ph.D is a professor in Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung. She is an expert in marketing and strategic management.

Our Cohosts:

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Our Sponsors:


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How can I submit my paper?
You may begin submitting your paper either in Bahasa Indonesia or in English. The submission dates start now until 30 April 2022. All papers will have the opportunity to be published in one of 180 ALJEBI affiiated journals.
Click Here to Submit your Paper!
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  • Registration Fee Rp300.000
  • Cohost may submit with only Rp200.000 per paper (minimum 5 papers per cohost)
  • Participant fee (non-paper presenter) Rp75.000
  • Bank Transfer can be made to BRI 0027-01096466-50-7 an Citra Aditya Kusuma
  • Email: icrbmfeung@ung.ac.id
  • CP: 082348598585 (Reskiawan) or 081294075229 (Citra)
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Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo